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We welcome you to Website, through which you can be informed about its products — daily menu and place your online order remotely.

These terms of operation and use of the website are fully compatible with the applicable European and Greek law, while the User who visits the website acknowledges that he has received full knowledge of them, accepts them expressly and unconditionally and undertakes the obligation to comply with them.

In the context of compliance with Article 4 of the 131/2003, the Company informs you of the following:
Head Office: 19 Iolaou and Agias Triados Acharnes Attikis 13671Contact Email:

E-SHOP Users can navigate freely on the Website, but only legally competent users, in accordance with Greek Law, can place an order and purchase products (“Service”). In the event of an order made by a legally incapacitated person, the Company reserves the right to execute it by the person exercising the guardianship or supervision.

Products sold through the Website are intended solely for purchase by Users and not for resale. In case of violation of the above term, the User is obliged to indemnify the Company for any damage he may suffer as a result of his unconventional behavior.

From our site you can order both your festive dishes and your daily options.
For easier ordering we have set a minimum of servings that you can order and it is the minimum order with rich quantities for 6 people per item. Using the filters you can make your own unique menu. By selecting the type of event you are given the following two options, the instances for Cocktail Finger food which concerns a “standing” menu, without cutlery and the presences for Buffet sitting, which concerns a “sitting” menu, where it is necessary to use the cutlery and possibly equipment, which we can supply to you, upon request.

Next, by choosing Hot and Cold Presents, the dishes are grouped according to their type to facilitate your choice. In the Categories filter of the Menu, we divide our dishes according to the place they occupy in a menu. And finally in Characteristics are given the ingredients of each food and what kind it is.

You have the option of ordering your food in disposable aluminum utensils, suitable for food, by definition. If you want to choose delivery in white luxury utensils, suitable for reheating, and any other extra equipment, you should contact us by phone.

The distinctive titles, trademarks which are posted on the website are property of the company. The Company reserves the right to initiate civil, administrative and criminal legal actions against any violator of the relevant terms.

All texts, photographs, drawings, commercial and financial data, programs, designs of clothing and other products, the format (layout) of are the subject of intellectual property of the company and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek Law, European and applied international conventions on intellectual property. Based on the foregoing, it is expressly forbidden to copy, distribute, transfer, process, store, reproduce, republish, modify and any related action on the above items, in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the company. Otherwise, the above actions may constitute an infringement of the intellectual property rights of the company, which reserves the right to claim any positive and consequential damage caused to it in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation.

If you want to contact our customer service department send us an e-mail to
If you do not receive an immediate response to your request (within 24 hours except weekends) or you feel that your matter needs immediate service, you can then contact us by phone at 2102401835 Mon. - Fri: 11.00 - 18.00, Saturday: 11.00 - 15.00 In case you have a complaint from the execution of your order or for any other reason that has in connection with our online store, do not hesitate to contact us either by phone or by sending e-mail to


The Company reserves the right to amend these terms at any time, which will be announced on the Website in a reasonable time. In any case, the terms posted on the date of his order will apply to the User.

The Company also reserves the right to discontinue at any time and without notice part or all of the services provided on the Website.

Failure to exercise any of the Company's rights under these terms does not in any way imply a waiver of them.


Greek law applies to this Convention, and the Courts of Athens are competent for any dispute that may arise. Alternatively, the out-of-court settlement is proposed through the European Alternative Dispute Resolution Body, by clicking way


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What cookies do we use on our website?

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These files are necessary so that the website can provide services requested by the user, such as remembering the products that he has added to his shopping cart.

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Cookies of this category collect anonymous information about how each user uses the website. This data is collected together with the data of other users and helps to improve the operation of the website. For example, this category of cookies helps us understand how customers find, browse and use our website and point us to points where there is room for improvement, such as browsing, sales experience and advertising campaigns. The data collected by these cookies does not include personal information on the basis of which the user can be identified.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies remember user choices such as language or survey parameters such as size, color or product line. This information allows the user to enjoy during their visit to our website an experience more compatible with their choices and helps us to make their visits more pleasant. This information is also collected together with information from other users on an anonymous basis in order to help improve the operation of the website.

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These cookies are used to provide content that best suits you and your interests. They can be used to send targeted advertising/offers, limit ad impressions, or measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. These cookies may be used to remember the websites you have visited in order to determine which online marketing channels are most effective and allow us to reward external websites and partners who have promoted you to us.

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